Моя бабушка была знатная модница! Во времена тотального дефицита она всегда была модно одета, всегда на каблуках и с прической (по тем времена бабеттой). Бабушка у меня была очень миниатюрная- маленького роста и с детским размером ноги, но при этом как-то умудрялась находить себе вещи.
Проблема с одеждой решалась проще, бабушка окончила курсы кройки и шитья. И какой-то нонсенс - она совсем не понимала геометрию и не поступила в университет, потому что провалила ее на экзамене, но при этом отлично строила сложнейшие выкройки. Поэтому основная часть одежды была самопошив, причем зачастую из готовых вещей большего размера.
Естественно ткани тогда тоже были дефицит,поэтому все что появлялось тут же скупалось. Бабушкины запасы тканей перешли уже ко мне и я даже из некоторых шила. Так что теперь понятно в кого это у меня)))
По бабушкиным стопам пошла мама - она училась по бабушкиным конспектам и потом уже начала шить по Бурде. И так, уже наверное частично с генами, это перешло на меня.
Надо сказать,что бабушка шила до последнего. Ей уже было за 70 лет, были проблемы со зрением, но она шила для себя, кроя сразу на ткани и строча на ручной машинке.
Одними из последних вещей ее стали юбка и блуза - рубашка - комплект из хлопка. Юбку она даже сносила, вот блузку так и не одела , валялась она с не пробитыми петлями и без пуговиц.
Я забрала ее, ушила, прорезала петли и пришила пуговицы. Конечно фасон наверное не мой - прямая рубашка с цельнокроенным рукавом воротником шалькой, но мне доставляет особое удовольствие носить ее, как последнюю сшитую бабушкой вещь.
My grandma was real fashionista!!! In times of shortages in the Soviet Union she always was fashionably dressed, always on heels and with hair style. Grandma was really tiny - small height and foot size but some ways she found a fashion close and shoes.
But the situation with clothes was more simple cause grandma sewed. She finished a special sewing course of education. And it's strange - my grandma didn't pass exams to a university because she didn't know geometry but she made a difficult garment designing. So the most part of her clothes were handmade and some times out of another clothes of bigger size.
Fabric also was in deficit so when was chance it were bought in stash. Part of this stash came to me and I even have sewed out of it.
My mother went in grandma footsteps. She studied sewing by grandma abstracts and then by Burda magazine. So I got some sewing skills with genes))) and also passion for making stash)))
My grandma was sewing when she was under 70 years old. She designed model direct on fabric, cut and sewed by old hand sewing mashine. Her last handmade clothes were shirt and skirt of cotton. The skirt was worn out but grandma didn't wear shirt at all. It was laying in wardrobe even without buttonholes. I took this shirt, made it more narrow, made buttonholes and sewed buttons. May be the style of this shirt a little bit oldfashioned - straight shirt with all-cut-out sleeves and shawl collar but it's a spesial pleasure for me to wear this shirt like last thing was sewed by my grandma.
Одними из последних вещей ее стали юбка и блуза - рубашка - комплект из хлопка. Юбку она даже сносила, вот блузку так и не одела , валялась она с не пробитыми петлями и без пуговиц.
Я забрала ее, ушила, прорезала петли и пришила пуговицы. Конечно фасон наверное не мой - прямая рубашка с цельнокроенным рукавом воротником шалькой, но мне доставляет особое удовольствие носить ее, как последнюю сшитую бабушкой вещь.
My grandma was real fashionista!!! In times of shortages in the Soviet Union she always was fashionably dressed, always on heels and with hair style. Grandma was really tiny - small height and foot size but some ways she found a fashion close and shoes.
But the situation with clothes was more simple cause grandma sewed. She finished a special sewing course of education. And it's strange - my grandma didn't pass exams to a university because she didn't know geometry but she made a difficult garment designing. So the most part of her clothes were handmade and some times out of another clothes of bigger size.
Fabric also was in deficit so when was chance it were bought in stash. Part of this stash came to me and I even have sewed out of it.
My mother went in grandma footsteps. She studied sewing by grandma abstracts and then by Burda magazine. So I got some sewing skills with genes))) and also passion for making stash)))
My grandma was sewing when she was under 70 years old. She designed model direct on fabric, cut and sewed by old hand sewing mashine. Her last handmade clothes were shirt and skirt of cotton. The skirt was worn out but grandma didn't wear shirt at all. It was laying in wardrobe even without buttonholes. I took this shirt, made it more narrow, made buttonholes and sewed buttons. May be the style of this shirt a little bit oldfashioned - straight shirt with all-cut-out sleeves and shawl collar but it's a spesial pleasure for me to wear this shirt like last thing was sewed by my grandma.